Monday, August 30, 2010

Green carpet or brown?

Looks like it's going to be green. Rain has been filling up the gauge.

August is the new October.

The weather warmed further about 6 days ago. Trees have been pushing out new growth and flowering trees are 1-2 months early.

The crocodiles have woken. A few of us spotted one at the beach about 2 metres long only 2 days ago. 
We gathered together unconsciously, in the mammalian way of forming a defence position.

Bobbing along in the waves near the creek mouth entrance, the same creek where I had earlier taken photos of the mangroves, the young croc dared not take us on.

 So, what this croc is telling me is the current climate conditions are perfect for reptilian cousins.  Now I will be on the look out for snakes.

What a bountiful, abundant place this part of the world is, the northern tropical belt of Australia. Good rainfall, lots of foodstuffs, tea, coffee, grown locally, sold locally, consumed locally.

Perhaps the build up has already started, we will have to wait and see... 

1 comment:

  1. That kind of carpet, LOL! Crocs at the more paddling for you!

    I was in Cairns yesterday taking SIL to the doctors and the rain on Mulgrave Rd, It was like the wet season....pouring down the gutters!


Thanks for dropping in....